
Diagram illustrating the nonpayment rules for prisoners and the vocational rehabilitation exception.

Understanding the Nonpayment of Social Security Benefits to Prisoners, § 404.468

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for overseeing the distribution of various benefits, such as retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. However, certain individuals may be ineligible for these benefits under specific circumstances. One such instance is the nonpayment of benefits to prisoners. In this blog post, we will discuss the regulations that govern the […]

Understanding the Nonpayment of Social Security Benefits to Prisoners, § 404.468 Read More »

Social Security Act with a gavel on top of it

404.461 Nonpayment of Lump Sum Death Benefit for Aliens Dying Outside the United States

Social Security is a crucial safety net for millions of Americans, providing financial support in the event of retirement, disability, or death. However, the rules and regulations surrounding this program can be complex, especially for individuals who are not citizens of the United States. In this article, we will examine the provisions described in Section

404.461 Nonpayment of Lump Sum Death Benefit for Aliens Dying Outside the United States Read More »

A person holding a passport on a world map

Understanding Nonpayment of Monthly Social Security Benefits to Aliens Outside the United States, § 404.460

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has specific rules regarding the payment of monthly benefits to non-U.S. citizens or nationals who are outside the United States. This blog post aims to provide an overview of these rules, as outlined in § 404.460, and explain the circumstances under which benefits may or may not be paid to eligible

Understanding Nonpayment of Monthly Social Security Benefits to Aliens Outside the United States, § 404.460 Read More »